People of t’Thera – Seeker

The Eastern Continent (Estaria)

The Kingdom of Sharron

Leader: King Varlock-Sharron Anduin
Capital: Gara-Sharron
Type of Government: Monarchy w/Democratic sub-divisions

The Crown is overall head of the nation. There are two other bodies of government within the Kingdom. The Sharron Council of Military, Civil and Foreign Administration (Called The Council), which includes the Seneschal, Captain-General of the Royal Guards, Constable of Gara-Sharron, Chief of Intelligence, Exchequer, Foreign Minister, Navy Admiral, and top two Army Generals, and The Common, with officials elected from every city, town, and village, and any nobility wishing to attend.

The Crown is passed by Heredity, although Common and Council can oppose the rightful succession, and alter the outcome, depending on extenuating circumstances.

Sharron is the largest nation in the world, and is an exporter and importer of pretty much anything, and has many trade routes between the other continents, and the rest of Estaria.

The nation is subdivided into 15 regions, each headed by a Baron. There are various other Lords, Ladies, and Knights, who make up the rest of the nation’s nobility.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Baron/Baroness          Your Excellency
Knight  Sir
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady

The Kingdom of Medaelia

Leader: King Aldo Wilnar-Medira
Capital: Penkira
Type of Government: Monarchy

The Crown is overall head of the nation. The only other officials serve as appointed by the Crown.

Most of the nation’s export involves produce, or wood products. Money is also made on taxation of trade routes, as Medaelia is more-or-less at the center of Estaria.

Medaelia is broken down into eight Provinces, each lead by a noble, either a Count/Countess. There are a few remaining Knights of the Kingdom, are the next level of the nobility. Lower nobility are Lords and Ladies, appointed by Crown, or inherited from parentage.

Title:                            Form of Address:

Queen                         Your Majesty
Count/Countess           Your Excellency
Knight                          Sir
Lord/Lady                    Lord/Lady

The Province of Anar (Formerly the Kingdom of Anaria)

Leader: King Aldo Wilnar-Medira
Capital: (Formerly) Aldara
Type of Government: Occupied nation, ruled by Medalia.

Anaria was annexed by Medaelia, and has spent twenty years as the Province of Anar. Anaria before the annexation was the oldest nation in the world, a rich Kingdom, a place of commerce, learning, and beauty renowned for its magnificent architecture and outstanding places of learning. Its best industry involved freshwater fish from the Cilrin Sea, and the best vineyards in the world, before the Medaelian invasion.

Anaria was broken down into five Earldoms, each overseen by an Earl. The leaders were removed, and no one has ever been named to take their place, leaving the once proud nation in chaos. 

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Earl Your Excellency
Knight  Sir
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady

The Kingdom of Ontseer

Leader: King Delson Foliir
Capital: Valseer
Type of Government – Constitutional Monarchy/ Republic

Ontseer, the Island Kingdom, is an interesting study. The King is elected every ten years by popular vote, and does lead the government. The King (or Queen) has historically always served for life, and been succeeded by their eldest offspring. There have only been three royal families in the history of the island nation, and they were all related. Overall, the history of Ontseer is extremely peaceful.

The rest of the government is two elected bodies, The Ministry and The Senate. The Ministry is elevated from The Senate, and serves as the high counsellors to The Crown, eleven officials total, elected by The Senate to 10 year terms. Ministry member elections can be rejected by the King. The Senate is elected to 2 year terms, and features three representatives from each village, town, and city. Unlike the Sharron Common, the Ontseer Senate has real decision making power, and can undo acts of the Crown and Ministry. Historically, the balance of power in Ontseer has been quite equal.

Ontseer produces and exports a lot of cotton, silk, and gemstones. In addition, Ontseerian fisherman are renowned as the best in the world, and provide rare and exotic fish to their neighbors in Garrock, Elnarr, Rannora, Nevarna, Even Vilcarr and Pannvir.

Ontseer is not subdivided into any sort of regions, as there is proper and complete representation of the people with The Senate. There is no real nobility, apart from Knights and Lords and Ladies, non-hereditary titles, given as rewards, aside from the direct family of The Crown.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Knight  Sir
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady

The Kingdom of Cordianlott

Leader: King Pol Juron
Capital: Cordann
Type of Government: Monarchy

Cordianlott is a very conservative kingdom, where rank means everything. Rank and title determine station within the kingdom. The King is overall in charge, and next in line is the Prince. Women cannot become ruling Queen of the nation. There are six Duchies that make up the Kingdom. Under each Duke there are three to five Barons. Equal in rank to the Barons there are Counts, but these are granted by the royalty, and have no lands, only titles. Knighthoods are granted by the crown for outstanding military service, but Knights are not respected much by the rest of the nobility. Political intrigue is nearly an art form in Cordianlott.

The Barons control all the lands, and the people have no real power, serving mostly as serfs. Those who are not noble, and do not tend the fields, or work directly for nobility are drafted into the military. Many, in fact, find military service preferable to the common peasantry of the nation. Woman have no power in this conservative nation. There is no merchant class within Cordianlott, as the Barons and Dukes control all such things.Cordianlott does very little export of foodstuffs, as most of the crops are raised for simple subsitance by the people. The sands of the northern beaches of Cordianlott are a great export for glass, among other things, and the marsh and swamp area along the Sea of Pallantir provides exotic woods and other goods for export.Long ago, Cordianlott and Elnarr were uncontrolled lands, and the Juron family shaped both into the Kingdoms they are today. The Jurons of Cordianlott and the Jurons of Elnarr are cousins. There is no taxation of trade between these two nations, although their governments are very dissimilar.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Duke/Duchess Your Grace
Baron/Baroness          Your Excellency
Count/Countess Your Excellency
Knight  Sir
Any noble Lord/Lady

The Kingdom of An-Quarvan
(An-Quarvan means Land of the Sea in old tongue)

Leader: King Vior-annra Miln
Capital: Anzarna
Type of Government: Monarchy

An-Quarvan is an old nation, with old values. The King represents the only line that has ever ruled the nation. The nobility consists of Lords and Ladies, titles passed by heredity, and Knights, titles rewarded for service to the nation.

There are no peasants in An-Quarvan, as everyone owns at least some land, and everyone has some sort of stake in the economy. An-Quarvan exports different fish taken from the northern ocean, and various gemstones, marble, and other minerals taken from the mountains in the south. The relatively small population allows for the extremely good welfare of the people.

The nation is divided into five regions, under the control of a Viscount. Women in this nation have little or no power, but are treated respectfully none-the-less.  Free trade keeps the nation at peace with its neighbors, aside from an old dispute with Sharron over mining rights in the mountains, which were resolved via the Tela-Sharron Accords years ago, now.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Knight  Sir
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady
Viscount Lord

The Kingdom of An-Duarvan
(An-Duarvan means Land of the North Sea)

Leader: King Ulram Trent
Capital: Oceana
Type of Government: Monarchy

Just one-hundred years ago, An-Duarvan was a principality of An-Quarvan. A deep river, The An-Rio, divides the two nations. The population of An-Duarvan is very small, and the King, while providing leadership for the nation, does not do so heavy-handed. Apart from the royal family, there is no nobility in An-Duarvan at all.

Aside from Oceana, there are no cities in An-Duarvan. There are multiple villages, centered around either the farming or the logging industry. An-Duarvan exports many of the world’s finest hardwoods, in addition to the fishing industry, which is mostly noted for exporting crustaceans. There are also several noted hot springs, which attract pilgrims seeking their legendary healing capabilities.

The various villages are led by elders or elected officials, otherwise The King is the only official leader of the nation. Woman are considered equal partners, and though none has ever been Queen, it could happen.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty

The Kingdom of Nevarna

Leader: King P’lott of Neverna
Capital: Parfolla
Type of Government: Monarchy

Nevarna is an extremely stable nation, and has been since just a few years after the fall of Pallantir. The nobility consists of Knights, Lords and Ladies, and special merchants, referred to as Esquires.

Nevarna boasts underground oil deposits, which are drilled for and exported throughout Estaria. The merchants, who seized upon this, are the Esquires, a new class of nobles who were self-made, realizing the value of oil as fuel for cities like Gara-Sharron, Penkira, Parfolla, and others. In addition, bamboo and rattan from along the Cilrin Sea are exported around the continent.

The nation is divided into three Districts, each controlled by a Governor, from one of the larger cities. The Governors of Nevarna are equivalent in rank to the Barons of Sharron, and also referred to in the same manner.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Governor Your Excellency
Knight  Sir
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady
Esquire m’Lord/m’Lady

The Kingdom of Enkira

Leader: Queen-Regent Briara En-Torkuff
Capital: En-Cilrin
Type of Government: Monarchy

King Vallen En-Torkuff is ninety-eight years old, completely senile, and in perfect health. He suffers from a mental condition that was diagnosed some fifteen years ago, and before his mind stopped working, he named his then-fifteen year old daughter Regent. Until his death, though, she will not become Queen.

Enkira, aside from being much smaller, is virtually identical to Nevarna. The nobility is identical, except that they call their Esquires Lordlings instead. The exports are identical to Nevarna, but in smaller quantities.

Enkira is divided into three Provinces, each controlled by a Count, the equivalent of the Nevarnan Governors.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Queen Regent Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Count Your Excellency
Knight  Sir
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady
Lordling m’Lord

The Empire of Rannora
(only remains of the Empire of Pallantir)

Leader: Empress Caia N’Dorra Pall’antira
Capital: Aminsott
Type of Government: Monarchy

Rannora was devastated years ago in a war with Ontseer.  The previous Emperor, Cai L’Nadra Pall’antir, underestimated the leadership and military of Ontseer, and had their King assassinated, a prelude to what he thought would be an easy invasion and take over of the island nation, the rebirth of the Rannoran Empire.  Instead, the Ontseerians invaded, and devastated the nation, wiping out the royal family in the process.

After six months of intense research on the part of the Monks of Pallantir, a monastic order dedicated to study, another connection was found, and a long-lost royal bloodline was brought back to power, and installed as the leadership of the nation.  It is believed this order was created by Pallantir, to study, to learn, and to preserve history.

Rannora was where the legendary Pallantir began his take over of the world.  It was the first nation to become his, although no one recalls if this was done legitimately, or through his usurpation of the power, as his early history is lost.  The Emperor or Empress represents the last links of the bloodline that began with Pallantir, who fathered as many as ten children, although this history is also unclear.  The last part of the name of the Emperor/Empress is gender specific, meaning Son or Daughter of Pallantir.

The court of the Empress is extremely formal, and resembles the Japanese court of our world.  The leadership has many advisors, and there are many preserved historical sites from the time of Pallantir.

The nation still rebuilds from the Ontseerian invasion, and still imports more than it exports.  Precious gemstones from along the banks of the Sea of Pallantir are the remaining export of the nation. 

Rannora is divided into five districts, each controlled by a Daimyo (equivalent to a baron.)  Each Daimyo has one or two military generals, Shogun, under their command, who further command knights.

Title:    Form of Address:  
Emporer/Empress Your Majesty
Daimyo Your Grace
Shogun Your Excellency
Knight  Sir

The Commonwealth of Garrock

Leader: Prime Minister Puck Normakk
Capital: East Senrick
Type of Government: Democracy

Garrock was the first nation in the world to dispense with nobility and royalty entirely. After the fall of Pallantir, the people took control of their lands, and created a democratic society, where nobility had no place.

The Government is three bodies, The Prime Minister, The Parliament, The Magistrate. The Prime Minister is elected to a five year term, and can only serve two. The Parliament is a representative from every town and village, elected to a three year term, and can only serve twice. The Magistrate is appointed by The Prime Minister, must be approved by a majority of Parliament, and serves a single twelve year term. There are six Magistrates, one representing each of the six counties.

Garrock supports and taxes a caravan route to the sea, where the seaports of the nation ship goods to Ontseer, and the Nortamian continent. They themselves export wool, precious gemstones from the Sea of Pallantir, and a few other goods. As a major crossroads between Ontseer and most of Estaria, they maintain, police, and tax many roads, and can seriously influence and effect the economies of their neighbors if slighted.

There is no class distinctions of nobility in Garrock, and the politicians cannot serve long enough to make a career of it. Some poor merchants, some wealthy, some middle class, Garrock is extremely self-sufficient, and well balanced, with a defensive force that has never moved offensively against another nation, but has kept Garrock well protected.

Title:    Form of Address:  
Prime Minister Minister
Parliamentarian Representative
Magistrate Your Honor

Allied Dominion of Lirdarra

Leader: President Von
Capital: Lirdarra City
Type of Government: Democracy

There are seven nations that have become the Allied Dominion of Lirdarra. These nations merged over the course of two-hundred years after the fall of Pallantir. The various nobilities merged, and chose a single model to follow.

Each nation of Lirdarra has a noble in charge, now called an Earl. The Earls have many powers most kings posess, and can name others to the title Lord or Lady, and can Knight individuals for military service. The President is elected by popular vote, and must be a commoner. The president drops his first name upon election, and serves a single seven year term.

There are two additional branches of government under Lirdarra, The House of Nobles, and Congress. The House of Nobles is open to all nobility, and the members of Congress are elected from the commoners, one representing each town, village, and city. The can serve as many four year terms as they can be elected to, and some have made a career of politics as such.

Lirdarra provides shipping to both of the other continents to the other nations of Estaria, and exports sugar cane, bamboo and rattan from along the Cilrin Sea, coconuts from the southern tip, and a few other goods.

The Army has remained only defensive, apart from the idiotic alliance with Wilnar-Medira of Medalia, which cost them much respect from the other Estarian nations, and terrible new tariffs on transporting goods through Medalia to Cordianlott of points north.

Title:    Form of Address:  
President Lord President
Earl Your Excellency
Knight  Sir
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady

Principality of the Isle of Torvik

Leader: Prince Tor Velnay
Capital: New Kilnay
Type of Government: Republic

Torvik is the smallest nation of the continent of Estaria. Before Pallantir, they were the principality of another nation, long forgotten, now a part of Lirdarra. With a very small population, the people have never bothered to elevate the royalty to the next level, so the Prince or Princess remains in control.

Beneath the crown, the Senate is elected to lifetime terms. Senators are more or less the nobility of the nation. The crown can veto their decisions, but this can carry a heavy cost. Torvik is a peaceful little nation.

Torvik is a wealthy nation, there are no peasants, per se. They export gemstones, granite, marble, olives, coconuts, and some oil.

Torvik has no standing military, although in times of crisis a call to arms has been met by the citizenry, led by the Prince and Senate. They do, however, have a remarkable navy, noted for stopping all manners of pirates. All Torvikan merchant vessels are armed.

Title:    Form of Address:  
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Senator Senator

The Kingdom of Elnarr

Leader: King Ev Juron
Capital: Loradd
Type of Government: Monarchy

Like Cordianlott, there are many ranks and titles among the nobility of Elnarr. Unlike its cousin nation to the west, Elnarr is very progressive and liberal. Rank and title determine station within the kingdom. The King is overall in charge, and next in line is the Prince. Women can become ruling Queen of the nation. There are six Duchies that make up the Kingdom. Under each Duke there are three to five Barons. Knighthoods are granted by the crown for outstanding military service. Political intrigue is nearly an art form in Elnarr, but far less messy or cutthroat than Cordianlott..

The Barons control all the lands, and the people have little real power, mostly peasants unless blessed with a title. Those who are not noble, and do not tend the fields, or work directly for nobility are expected to join the military. Many, in fact, find military service preferable to the common peasantry of the nation. Woman have equal power, unlike Cordianlott, and can hold equal titles. There is no merchant class within Elnarr, as the Barons and Dukes control all such things.Elnarr exports certain foodstuffs, cold-water fish, caviar, and some of the finest horses and cattle in the world. The sands of the northern beaches or similar to those of Cordianlott, yet are still considered inferior.Long ago, Elnarr and Cordianlott were uncontrolled lands, and the Juron family shaped both into the Kingdoms they are today. The Jurons of Elnarr and the Jurons of Cordianlott are cousins. There is no taxation of trade between these two nations, although their governments are very dissimilar.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Duke/Duchess Your Grace
Baron/Baroness          Your Excellency
Knight  Sir
Any noble Lord/Lady

The Northern Continent (Nortamia)

The Gendarme of Winsott

Leader: Monarch-General Nathaniel Arr Endoppa – Ruler of Winsott
Capital: Fortress City
Type of Government: Police State/Military Dictatorship

The entire political system of the nation is based around the standing military. There are no actual cities in the nation, save Fortress City. The people live in communal dwellings called Forts, which are broken into two groups, Battalion and Supply. Each Fort is lead by a General overall. At the age of 5, all boys are moved to barracks within Battalion, and begin military training. Women do not serve in the military, but do organize and run Supply, tending fields and providing sustenance for the military. Women have little or no power within this society.

Winsott is the northernmost nation of the world, and therefore experiences long, cold winters. Winsott is known for its’ military. The nation exports nothing, with the exception of mercenary armies. Over the past 25 years, no army has left Winsott. The nation has chosen to become isolated since Monarch-General Endoppa came to power in a coup 25 years ago. All foreign ambassadors were expelled at that time, and the borders of the nation have since been closed.

Winsott is broken into 5 Military Districts, containing multiple Battalions each. Battalions are further sub-divided into Divisions, Companies, Platoons, and Squadrons. The nation is controlled overall by a military general staff. There is no nobility in Winsott, the closest thing to this is the Military officers. It is believed Winsott was largely un-occupied before the time of Pallantir, and the remaining officers of his military fled here and established themselves after his fall.Many of the other world leaders suspect the Winsottans are plotting some sort of conquest, though everything is pure speculation.

Title:    Form of Address:  
Monarch-General Monarch-General
General General
Colonel Colonel
Major Major
Captain Captain

The Kingdom of Vilcarr

Leader: King Arion Xanvull
Capital: The Citadel of Trildora
Type of Government: Monarchy

The Crown heads the nation, with various advisors, counselors, and other nobles serving in various positions to make the nation function. Vilcarr is one of the few remaining nations that allows the open practice of Sorcery. Sorcerers are generally present within the court of the current monarch of the nation. The Crown is passed by heredity.

The primary exports of Vilcarr include metals, ores, and precious stones from the northwest and northeast mountain ranges, marble, granite, and lime from various quarries, and some produce. Alongside Sharron, Vilcarr has some of the most abundant and diverse natural resources in the world.

Vilcarr is broken into seven Duchies, controlled by individual Dukes. Lower nobility includes various Lords and Ladies and knights elevated by the crown. All noble titles are passed by heredity, save knighthoods.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Duke/Duchess Your Grace
Knight  Sir
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady

The Kingdom of Ticarr

Leader: Queen Xiva Zek-Tira
Capital: Bar-Aiyla
Type of Government: Monarchy

Ticarr is not terribly different from their neighbor to the south, Vilcarr. Before the time of Pallantir, Ticarr was a part of the Empire of Afpar. The last Emperor, Sol Zek, was personally executed by Pallantir, after over a decade of bloody war, fighting the Imperial King’s Army and Navy. With the fall of Pallantir, the Empire, started not long after The Falling on the Isle of Afpar, would not be rebuilt. Emperor Sol Zek had hidden his family, and when Pallantir fell, they returned, each taking a piece of the once grand Empire for themselves. The eldest son, Sol, remained at Afpar, and took back the title Emperor. His next brother went to Dulvaln, his sister to Ticarr. In honor of this, the various heirs retain the surname Zek-Tir, son of Zek, or Zek-Tira, daughter of Zek.

Queen Xiva Zek-Tira is in her late sixties, and has ruled her nation for five decades. Since the time of her ancestor, Aiyla Zek, the eldest daughter in the line has taken the throne. Ticarr is the only nation where the monarchy always passes to the women, rather than the men.The Queen heads the nation, with various advisors, counselors, and other nobles serving in various positions to make the nation function. Ticarr is one of the few remaining nations that allows the open practice of Sorcery.

The primary exports of Ticarr include metals, ores, and precious stones from the southern mountain ranges, marble, granite, and lime from various quarries, and some produce.

Ticarr is subdivided into nine Marches, each headed by a Margrave. These are equal in rank to the Vilcarr Dukes. In addition, there are many other Lords, Ladies, and knights, both male and female. All ranks save knighthoods are passed through heredity.

Title:    Form of Address:  
Queen Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Margrave Your Grace
Knight  Sir/Dame
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady

The Empire of Afpar

Leader: Emperor Sol Zek-Tir
Capital: Bar-Sol
Type of Government: Monarchy

Long ago, Afpar was a great Empire. Only a couple decades after The Falling, the people of the Isle of Afpar, one of the few lands virtually untouched by the comet that burned many of the lands, began to take control of their nearest neighbors, without any bloodshed. Soon, the Afpar people controlled more than half of the Nortamian continent. The Empire remained strong, and peaceful, until the conquest of Pallantir. The greatest Emperor in the history of the Empire, Sol Zek, resisted for over a decade, but was at last overwhelmed by the seemingly endless military of Pallantir, and sorcery. Pallantir himself executed the legendary Emperor. With the fall of Pallantir, Sol Zek II, son of the Emperor, reclaimed the title, but took only the island. In honor of what they had been, he remained Emperor, and continued to call his nation an Empire.

Afpar gets a lot of produce imported from Dulvaln and Ticarr. There is a long-standing courtesy between these nations, as they are all ruled by the same family. Afpar exports fish, and many projects from artisans, as the nation has a rich culture, where the arts are cultivated and pursued by most of the people. The greatest poets, scholars, artists and architects are revered, and since the fall of Anaria to the Medaelians, Afpar has taken up the slack. Anaria was their primary rival for arts and cultures, and they have provided many craftsman and artisans to help revive the devastated nation.

The Emperor rules, with a council of advisors he appoints called The Covenant. Nobility is similar in Afpar and Ticarr otherwise, except there is no Margrave level.

Title:    Form of Address:  
Emperor Your Imperial Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Knight  Sir/Dame
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady

The Kingdom of Dulvaln

Leader: King Orrdoff Zek-Tir
Capital: Bar-Olvig
Type of Government: Monarchy and Democracy

The northernmost piece of the former Empire of Afpar, Dulvaln was claimed and ruled by the second son of Emperor Sol Zek, Olvig Zek. Olvig was very radical, and gave a large portion of his power to the people, creating a body called The Voice. The Voice has a representative from every town and village of the nation, appointed for life. Aside from Bar-Olvig, there are only four other cities, all of which are sea ports. In addition to The Voice, there are five Margraves, who convene quarterly as a body called The Margravate Congress. The powers of all three bodies are mostly equal.

Dulvaln’s prime industry revolves around whaling, fishing, and shipping. The Dulvaln Maritime Fleet was created exclusively to contract out to the Winsottans, to transport their armies all around the world. With the isolation of Winsott for the past 25 years, a large portion of the Dulvaln economy.

Because of their work with the Winsottans, the people of Dulvaln are not well respected by most of the world population, and trade most of their good through their cousins in Ticarr and Afpar. The people of Dulvaln are extremely peaceful, and aside from a small defensive army, they have no real military to speak of.

There is no nobility in Dulvaln, apart from the Margraves and their families, and the royal family. The nation is subdivided into five Marches, each lead by a Margrave.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Margrave Your Grace

The Kingdom of Panvirr

Leader: King Fandumon Norris
Capital: Sanctuary
Type of Government: Kingdom

As kingdoms go, Pannvir has very little identity of its own. Historically, the land has been largely uninhabited, as the majority of the northwestern tip is inhospitable rock and some active volcanoes. The people are mixed, being refugees of other nations, Ontseer, Elnarr, and the rest of the Nortamian continent. In fact, for years, no one claimed the lands at all, until a group Winnsotan deserters declared the lands for themselves, and created a kingdom, named Panvirr, after the rebellious son of Pallintir who in the end convinced the simple farmer to assassinate Pallantir.

Just slightly more than a third of Panvirr is truly habitable, and there is only one city in the whole of the nation. This city is, however, the largest in the world. Sanctuary is just that, a place where any and all are welcome.

Panvirr is relatively isolated, exporting almost nothing, importing virtually nothing. The economy is stable, though, and since the nation came into being three hundred years ago, they have simply gone on. The Church of the Triad of Truth has two monasteries and its only convent in Panvirr. People have been known to go to the land, simply to find a place of total isolation, and to be alone. Panvirr is a very simple place.

The government is not very active, and the King pretty much simply oversees and maintains order. The Military, The Panvirr Militia, is volunteers, aside from the Knights who run things full time. The Panvirr Militia has never engaged in combat, apart from stopping brigands and outlaws. Those outside of Panvirr know little or nothing about the nation.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King Your Lordship
Knight  Sir

The Southern Continent (Soutaria)

The Theocracy of Yadim

Leader: Archtheopomp Varnutt Amsiglia III
Capital: Veritaz
Type of Government: Theocracy

The Church of The Triad of Truth controls the nation. (Called The Church of Truth) The Church has run the nation for almost 700 years. The Church believes in three deities equally, the God of Fire, Firoffa; the Goddess of Water, Maiimna; the God of Earth, Terroffa.  Each deity has its own spokesperson, The Fire Theopomp, The Water Theopomp, and The Earth Theopomp, respectively. In the beginning, there were actually four deities, but Tornadi, the Air Goddess, was said to have fallen, and become the Lady of Corrupt Hearts, over-seeing the heathens and non-believers of the Trio in the next life.The nation is mostly isolated from the rest of the world, apart from trading Chocolate, and taxing trade routes within its borders used by the three nations B’Ornadd, Ontouran, and Uftorra.The nation is sub-divided into nine Arch Dioceses, Three for each Deity, led by the Archbishops. Working beneath the Archbishops are a number of Bishops, who head the various cities and larger towns, or act as seconds to the Archbishops. Smaller towns and villages are led by a Minister. Finally, Priests preside over the various individual churches. Women can hold any office, but traditionally do not, and must forfeit any office if they birth children.

Title:    Form of Address:  
Archtheopomp Your Holiness
Theopomp Your Eminence
Archbishop Your Excellency
Bishop Your Grace
Minister Lord Father/Lady Mother
Priest Father/Mother

The Kingdom of Jennorrit

Leader: King Mattru Jenn
Capital: Garrisott
Type of Government: Kingdom

Jennorrit is a well-to-do, prosperous kingdom. They have a rich history, dating back to the period just after The Falling. For a time, Jennorrit was under the sway of Pallantir, but the Jenn family wisely hid themselves, and with his fall, returned to power. The Jenn family has ruled Jennorrit for over four-thousand years now, not counting the decades that Pallantir was in power.

Jennorrit boasts several unique exports, including coffee, olives, citrus fruit, and chocolate from Yadim. This has made for a very powerful merchant class, which has established their own sub-classes.

Jennorrit is subdivided into three Arch-Duchies, which in turn are divided into four Duchies. These are each divided into Counties. The King mostly stands alone, aside from advisors, and the Arch-Dukes and Dukes, who have say in what goes on. The Army and Navy of Jennorrit are the most powerful on the Soutarian continent, as they are the strongest nation. The Jennorrit military is also responsible for protecting Iradda.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Arch-Duke Your Honorable Grace
Duke/Duchess Your Grace
Count Your Excellency
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady
Knight  Sir

The Iradda Protectorate
(Protected by the Kingdom of Jennorrit)

Leader: Administrator Dett Gann
Capital: Freetown
Type of Government: Beaurocratic Administration

Iradda is a Protectorate of Jennorrit. Iradda has no formal government, per se, as slightly less than half the nation is even habitable. To the western border with Jennorrit, the mountains boast the highest peaks in the world, and are virtually impassable. To make matters worse, the southern edge of the land is high cliffs and secluded coves, providing no access to the land, although these coves have historically been inhabited by pirates and outlaws in hiding. The only real way to Iradda is from the north, and some to the East, where there are one or two points from which the rest of the lands can be accessed.

The land itself provides fine mineral and metal deposits, granite, marble, oil. This is almost exclusively exported to Jennorrit, where it’s traded and sold, although on occasion deals are made directly with the Protectorate Administation.

There is no nobility in Iradda, and even Administrator Dett Gann holds no title. The people who live in Iradda work the land, some at the behest of nobles and wealthy merchants of Jennorrit, some for their own gain. Freetown is the only city in Iradda, and is more like an oversized village than an actual city. Many of those living in the land are not permanent residents, but are there to mine, drill, or otherwise tend their investments.

The Kingdom of Uftorra

Leader: King Ardo Kay-Uftorra
Capital: Kay-Panroo
Type of Government: Monarchy

Uftorra is an unfortunate nation. The monarchy has been a single family for almost eleven-hundred years now, apart from the few years Pallantir was in control. Due to years of inbreeding, between close first cousins, the last three Kings have had short lives, and been increasingly insane, and rather terrible looking.

The nobility have been busily maneuvering for years, now, making ready for the end of the Kay-Uftorra line. This has been going on for nearly a hundred and fifty years, and as such, the economy of the nation is in shambles. No one has stepped up to take control, and with the increasing inability of the last few kings, less and less action has been taken to actually lead the nation.

The commoners are mostly peasants, aside from a few crooked merchants. To make matters worse, the southernmost part of the nation has had almost a decade of terrible drought, and the people are sick and dying. To make matters worse, most of the western lands are dessert. Yadim is too self-involved under Church control to do anything, and Jennorrit basically ignored this nation, although the only land route to the rest of the continent is through Uftorra.

Uftorra is divided into eight Baronies, although the Barons spend most of their time in Kay-Panroo, plotting. The Uftorra military is a joke, and the nation has no Navy. Either there will be a civil uprising, a Baron will take control, or the government will simply collapse before too long.

Title:    Form of Address:  
King/Queen Your Majesty
Prince/Princess Your Highness
Baron Your Excellency
Lord/Lady Lord/Lady

The Commonwealth of B’ornadd

Leader: Lord Minister Valey Par-Nyaav
Capital: B’rigel
Type of Government: Democracy

The nation of B’ornadd became a Commonwealth only seventy years ago. Before that, the nation was a monarchy. There are many active industries, and as the nation became more prosperous over the years, the royalty felt a need to become more and more democratic. Then, seventy years ago, the people were given a choice, and chose to create themselves a Commonwealth.

Once the nation was made a Commonwealth, the royalty began to create the vehicle for this to function. They named the Lord Minister as leader, and as he helped to set-up the new government, the people eventually re-elected him, and this office became the head of the government.

A body was formed called the Collective, and two representatives from every village, town, and city were elected to serve for up to three two-year terms. The Lord Minister has a deputy, and a cabinet that advises on all sorts of matters. The Royalty is still around, but is only there for show, with no power, and no voice.

The nation has a great number of industries, and exports wool, chocolate, coconuts, bananas, sugar cane, and has beaches on the eastern shores that provide fine glass-making sand. B’ornadd and Jennorrit have multiple free-trade agreements between them, and a lot of shipping occurs between the nations to circumvent taxation by Yadim and Uftorra.

The B’ornadd Defense Forces Army is small, but effective, however the navy is often busy taking out pirates. The nation is, overall, peaceful.

B’ornadd is divided into ten states, each lead by a Governor who is duly elected. Some states have smaller versions of the Collective in action, and have some independence with regards to some lawmaking.

Title:    Form of Address:  
Lord Minister Your Honor
Deputy Lord Minister Your Honor
Governor The Honorable Governor

The Ontouran Territory
(Territory of B’ornadd)

Leader: Governor Amlina Pat-Valey
Capital: Rillas
Type of Government: Democracy

The Ontouran Territory has been claimed by B’ornadd since before the nation became a commonwealth. A very small portion of the land is actually habitable, and the capital city, Rillas, is the only city.

There are very rough mountain ranges between B’ornadd and Ontouran, with only a couple of passes, both of which lead to the habitable lands in the center. Cliffs to the south prevent access from the ocean, and a deep lake separates the land from Yadim. The only access to the ocean is from the bay in the northeast. Paths through the jungle go from the bay to Rillas.

Most of the eastern and southern lands of the continent are jungle, dense vegetation, with heavy mountains to the north. Like Iradda, many of the residents of Ontouran are not permanent, only there for the industry.

Many exotic products are found in the jungles of Ontouran, and exported. Minerals and gems come from the northern mountains, and oil in the central plains. Because of the “wild” nature of the land, the inhabitants of the territory are considered rugged, brave, and are mostly wealthy.

Ontouran, because of its mostly uninhabitable nature, remains a territory of B’ornadd. However, the Governor has control, not that much is needed. Military support is provided by B’ornadd.